The Internet

More Info About The Internet

Main Page All You Need To Know

Connecting to the internet

people can connect to each other and communicate to each other in many ways like email, newsgroups, chat, world wide web, these are the different types of forms of communication on the internet, Theses different web pages are used by many people and for some of the forms of communication are for more formal forms of communications like a business owner or workers would communicate things through email.

Using Searchh Engines

A web browser loads a webpage using various protocols: It uses the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol to convert a domain name into an IP address. It uses the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to request the webpage contents from that IP address. A browser is a piece of software that retrieves and displays web pages a search engine is a website that helps people find web pages from other websites. The confusion arises because, the first time someone launches a browser, the browser displays a search engine's homepage

Access To Information

Security is about the safeguarding of data, whereas privacy is about the safeguarding of user identity. The specific differences, however, are more complex, and there can certainly be areas of overlap between the two. Security refers to protection against the unauthorized access of data. Without security and privacy on the internet the internet would be more of a dangerous place than it is people could get info abou you and your personal things very easily so thats why its very important to have good security and privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1-What is an Internet Service Provider (ISP)? 2-What is a commercial on-line service? 3-What is a freenet? 4-What software will I need? 5-What is a firewall? 6-What is a URL? 7-What is the World Wide Web?